Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wakiki and other silly pictures!!

On sunday E.A. painted out toes. She is very good at painting nails. On that same Sunday I went to this F.H.E thing for the singels ward with Ana Korena and all the guys thought I was older and were hitting on me it was very awkward.

When we went snorkling we had E.A.'s camera and mine too. Since we didnt want them to get wet we found a little asian mom who looked very friendly and asked her if she could watch our stuff. Of course she said yes and when we came back we found this cute little note with our bag.

I love cookie dough!!!!! We made homemade toll house cookie dough (the best) on sunday night and it was yum yum delicious!!! I love the dough so here is a pic of me eating a whole chunk of it.

These are crazy pictures of Alfredo. The first one is of him playing the air ukelele and the other just trying to be the center of attention.

This is us at the cheesecake factory. This was my first time having cheesecake. i know pretty sad but I love it now! I love Alfredo's face in all these pictures.
There was this waiter there to and he looked exactly like Johnny Depp thaat I almost attacked him wanting to makeout with him.

This is us at the trade fair sorta like the street fair in Wakiki. There was a lot of fancy hotels and shops there.


Kim said...

Nice to have you back Avy! love ya oh and a laptop for christmas? spoiled much?

Cierra said...

wait a sec... "almost" makeout with him? whatever! you basically jumped on him right after we paid our bill and planted a big one on him and then....oh wait. your mom reads this right? i "almost" made out with him. exactly.

Cierra said...

p.s. it was such a blast when you came and visited! i want to do it all over again, but this time not be pregnant and sick...

i miss you already avy!

Avy said...

I know i am.